01 02 03 The Organiser UK www.theorganizeruk.com: READY, STEADY GO! Let's get winter ready ! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

READY, STEADY GO! Let's get winter ready !

 Let's just zoom ahead by a month or two ... You're running out of the door with book bags , water bottles , packed lunches, PE kits , and swimming kits  (and all your stuff for work) , when it hits you...  a great big blast of icy wind  ( why wasn't I prepared for this? !) . You haven't got time to drop the mountain of stuff you're carrying to dash upstairs to dig the gloves out of storage . You then spend the full day feeling guilty that you sent your kids to school with no gloves on . You convince yourself those little fingers will freeze and fall off by lunch time which prompts you do a frantic Internet search on "frostbite" whilst believing you're the worst parent in the playground as everyone else arrives with their gloves on .
Not this year ...., this year we are on it ! 
So , let's go to your cloakroom or coat / shoe area . Take everything out ( yes everything ) give the room a good clean . Then ,  put away all the summer shoes  and replace with two pairs winter shoes each . The rest of the shoes ,less frequently worn should stay in the wardrobe and returned there after wearing . 
Donate any unworn or out grown shoes and coats . 
Hang up all jackets and coats (except those worn daily) in the bedroom wardrobe. 
Ok , now you should have a basically empty space to work with , so let's not fill it back up to the brim!
Only put back one , daily worn coat per person and two pairs of shoes per person,  everything else should be stored in the wardrobe and is put away there after wearing .  
Next,  dig out the hats and gloves from storage and donate unwanted items. Keep out one set per person and yes you guessed it everything else gets stored in their wardrobe until needed . 
The trick is to keep this area as streamlined as possible to make leaving the house a breeze . The emptier it is , the easier it is to find the stuff they need everyday . 
I also buy the kids gloves in all the same colour so when one glove goes missing (normally after the first day) 
You've still got a "pair" . So all my daughters are plain pink and my sons are  plain blue , I usually buy about three pairs each and usually end up with one full pair each at the end of the winter ! 
Put all wellies on a mud tray and you're now ready for the chill! 
 Do you have any organising tips to share with us , drop us a line below in the comments with your parenting hacks , we'd love to hear them ! 

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READY, STEADY GO! Let's get winter ready !

 Let's just zoom ahead by a month or two ... You're running out of the door with book bags , water bottles , packed lunches, PE kits , and swimming kits  (and all your stuff for work) , when it hits you...  a great big blast of icy wind  ( why wasn't I prepared for this? !) . You haven't got time to drop the mountain of stuff you're carrying to dash upstairs to dig the gloves out of storage . You then spend the full day feeling guilty that you sent your kids to school with no gloves on . You convince yourself those little fingers will freeze and fall off by lunch time which prompts you do a frantic Internet search on "frostbite" whilst believing you're the worst parent in the playground as everyone else arrives with their gloves on .
Not this year ...., this year we are on it ! 
So , let's go to your cloakroom or coat / shoe area . Take everything out ( yes everything ) give the room a good clean . Then ,  put away all the summer shoes  and replace with two pairs winter shoes each . The rest of the shoes ,less frequently worn should stay in the wardrobe and returned there after wearing . 
Donate any unworn or out grown shoes and coats . 
Hang up all jackets and coats (except those worn daily) in the bedroom wardrobe. 
Ok , now you should have a basically empty space to work with , so let's not fill it back up to the brim!
Only put back one , daily worn coat per person and two pairs of shoes per person,  everything else should be stored in the wardrobe and is put away there after wearing .  
Next,  dig out the hats and gloves from storage and donate unwanted items. Keep out one set per person and yes you guessed it everything else gets stored in their wardrobe until needed . 
The trick is to keep this area as streamlined as possible to make leaving the house a breeze . The emptier it is , the easier it is to find the stuff they need everyday . 
I also buy the kids gloves in all the same colour so when one glove goes missing (normally after the first day) 
You've still got a "pair" . So all my daughters are plain pink and my sons are  plain blue , I usually buy about three pairs each and usually end up with one full pair each at the end of the winter ! 
Put all wellies on a mud tray and you're now ready for the chill! 
 Do you have any organising tips to share with us , drop us a line below in the comments with your parenting hacks , we'd love to hear them ! 

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