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The Organiser UK www.theorganizeruk.com

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How to live like a minimalist!


Do you really need  six pairs of nail clippers , enough paper clips  to supply three primary schools ,  three spatulas , six jugs , three mascaras , ten pairs of jeans , three rolls of sticky tape , three hammers , two mallets ...........no ?  Me neither but that's what we've probably kept just incase . Incase we've got thousands of presents to wrap , or we need to cut all the toenails  of all the people in the village at the same time , or maybe our spatulas will spontaneously combust and we may need a spare . It's utter lunacy, but if you're anything like me you're likely to have most things in duplicate , just incase .
I believe it was The Minimalists http://www.theminimalists.com/  
who pointed out that most things can be replaced within a few hours for less than a few quid if it is an emergency . I have been known to ask the neighbours to open a can of kidney beans for me when my can opener broke for the umpteenth time , so we can get by if we have to.
Let go of  all your "Just incases" , when was the last time just incase happened ?  And if it does it's more likely to be your washing machine which combusts rather than your spatulas ! 

Are you drowning in clutter , drop us a line below if you feel you need some motivation to get started on your decluttering journey we'd love to chat !


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Living with less stuff.


If I lived on my own I'd have virtually no possessions , no TV , and a very tidy house . But I don't , and  as I can't get rid of everyone else's possessions I have to find a way of  dealing with their "stuff". 
My partner is a borderline hoarder who still keeps boxes from phones he no longer possesses and a box from a wallet he has owned for over a decade ( incase he needs to take it back ) and that is just the tip of the iceberg. 
I battled for years to contain my "stuff " too , sentimental stuff , things people have given to me , gifts, clothes with price tags still on them ... And so the list went on . I would stuff it all in drawers , cupboards and the garage . The house would be serene looking on the surface but the inner workings were a tangled mess of chaos . 
So what changed ?  I had the ever pulling urge to get rid of everything , to make the inside mirror the serene surface , so I started to get rid of stuff and it felt good but not exactly "great" .  Eventually  I stumbled across the book which put me on my journey to simplifying my life , and it really did what it says on the tin , it gave me a plan , and a way to achieve the "click point" in my life , where everything "I" own sparks joy .
If you only read one book this year , make it this one ,

I'd love to hear from anyone who has read Marie's book or is embarking on simplifying their life , please add a comment below . 

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The taming of the laundry.

 Laundry, don't you just love it ? Its ability to triple in size in the blink of an eye.  The empty basket of laundry  you smile at smugly as you walk past laughs at you on the way back when your other half has collected a huge pile of dirty stuff from God knows where. 
We all have our own way of doing it , some people once a week , some people by colour, some do it daily.
I've tried them all , some were hideous some worked well . 
My first  job in this drudgery of dirty clothes was to train everyone in my house to put their clothes in the washing basket . Sounds simple ? Not so ! It turns out that even a man of fourty one years old would rather with drop them on the floor , then  repeatedly pick them up and place them on the bed then move them to the floor again at bed time than walk an extra foot to the basket , he also enjoys volleying his underpants to wherever they will land . The children were easier in this department and apart from the odd random sock or underpants in the lounge they have mastered this skill. 
So I had collection of laundry covered , what next ?
 I try to wash by person that way there's no sorting, it all goes in that persons room . I wash ,dry and put away and I don't start a load unless I know I can complete that cycle.  I also try to wash everything we have worn that day so the basket is mostly empty . 
I do know someone who has 28 pairs of knickers and underpants for the whole family and  does a "knicker" wash once a month , I'm still trying to get my head round that method . The good news is that we don't have to do it all by hand these days . If you want to see some amazing folding and drawer organising please check out  Marie Kondo's amazing video 
Marie Kondo
It's over to you for your comments and tips below please . 

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Cold coffee and snotty tissues

 The school holidays are upon us and along with the no rush, non shouty mornings that come with it so does all the mess. Tons of it . There's the obvious food mess, plates left out, drinks spilt, crisps dropped. There's the toy mess... So many toys, endless piles of  random toys stuck together in a heap which only makes sense to a four year old. The clothes, the shoes , the paper , the art, the crayons, the knitting etc etc . Then there's the un obvious mess, the surprises you find in the most extraordinary places ... The sweet wrapper in the candle holder, the half chewed sweet behind a cushion, the underpants in the paddling pool, the Lego in the shower and so forth and so on ...
So how do we tackle all this extraordinary mess , well we just keep tidying up in a never ending circle of dispair, we try all sorts of schedules and plans and tips and tricks to try to keep ourselves from exploding into a mass of fur and sinue, some of which work but most of which don't .
So let's start with the toys , I started with a massive bin bag and threw everything away which was broken , obviously this had to be done with the stealth like precision of the SAS team  just incase my 4year old wanted the doll with no head .

Next I decided to separate the toys with were noisy , branded or battery operated  and put to one side . 
Of what was left , I separated into groups and picked one of each , for instance , the farm , the Lego , the animals , the emergency vehicles , and displayed them neatly, then I watched .... 
I watched while they got excited about the toys , I watched while they played together for the first time with no arguments and I watched their imagination come alive . They built dens , they drew ,they wrote stories. They didn't ask for TV or tablets. They played and played.
At bedtime the stories became more animated as they got to really got engrossed in the two books we alternated between. 
After a week I rotated the groups from the extra toys in the garage and the same thing happened again . My kids were calmer happier and more focused.
A year later I still rotate and they're still excited , I donate any toys they don't levitate to and books they're not excited about . The noisy toys got donated and were never missed. 
Today I might have a snotty tissue in my coffee and  a  polo mint stuck to my bum but the toys will only take five minutes max to tidy up . 
I got most of my advice from Kim Payne on the simplicity parenting website he really changed our home for the better. 
simplicityparenting  .  

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