01 02 03 The Organiser UK www.theorganizeruk.com: Ten easy steps to declutter the kids' rooms. 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Ten easy steps to declutter the kids' rooms.

 Remove all children from the vicinity!!
Having tried all various methods of including my children in the process of decluttering their zillions of possessions,  my conclusion is unless you want to have a donate pile the size of a pea , you are better off making the decisions on your own . My kids have never missed anything I've donated . The exception to this rule is clothes , which I've found they generally are pretty accurate and less sentimental towards.

Look upon the task as a gifting day.
If you think of the people in your life who would benefit from all your unused toys , clothes, prams and games it's easier to be more assertive about letting go . If you know it's going to be loved,  pass it on ! 

If it's broken bin it .
This is a no brainer, if it has lost a pair or if it is broken, bin it ... Don't look back ! 

Remove the sentiment .
You may get teary eyed at a bag of first clothes or a little ride-on car but the memories are in the moment not in the stuff,  even if the stuff is no longer there the memories will be . 

If it's itchy bin it.
It cost you a fortune , you love it , it's itchy, your child hates it , bin it . ( donate of course !) 

If it's never been played with bin it 
It cost you a fortune , they begged for weeks for it, they've played with it once , they've owned it for over a year. Donate !  
Even if you think they are too young for it , in my experience they never touch it ! 

Cull the paperwork .
Try to keep a sketch pad for art and a bound book for writing  in bedrooms  so when it's tidy up time your kids are not shoving handfuls of used  loose paper into already overstuffed drawers. Pads  are also less overwhelming to tidy up . 

Make sure everything has a home.
Rooms are easier to keep tidy if everything has somewhere to live . Kids are keen  to put stuff away if it's easy to stash. The less stuff ( clutter) they have the more care they take  of their treasured possessions.

Keep floors clear of stuff 
With the exception of train or car tracks , keep floors and surfaces free of clutter in kids rooms , this trick encourages them not to just drop stuff on the floor but hang it up instead , without you having to tell them . 

Get it all out of the house as soon as possible .
Run, run , run as fast as you can to the charity shop, because if those little fingers see that unworn itchy jumper in the charity bag , your life will be a living hell for the rest of the day ! 

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Ten easy steps to declutter the kids' rooms.

 Remove all children from the vicinity!!
Having tried all various methods of including my children in the process of decluttering their zillions of possessions,  my conclusion is unless you want to have a donate pile the size of a pea , you are better off making the decisions on your own . My kids have never missed anything I've donated . The exception to this rule is clothes , which I've found they generally are pretty accurate and less sentimental towards.

Look upon the task as a gifting day.
If you think of the people in your life who would benefit from all your unused toys , clothes, prams and games it's easier to be more assertive about letting go . If you know it's going to be loved,  pass it on ! 

If it's broken bin it .
This is a no brainer, if it has lost a pair or if it is broken, bin it ... Don't look back ! 

Remove the sentiment .
You may get teary eyed at a bag of first clothes or a little ride-on car but the memories are in the moment not in the stuff,  even if the stuff is no longer there the memories will be . 

If it's itchy bin it.
It cost you a fortune , you love it , it's itchy, your child hates it , bin it . ( donate of course !) 

If it's never been played with bin it 
It cost you a fortune , they begged for weeks for it, they've played with it once , they've owned it for over a year. Donate !  
Even if you think they are too young for it , in my experience they never touch it ! 

Cull the paperwork .
Try to keep a sketch pad for art and a bound book for writing  in bedrooms  so when it's tidy up time your kids are not shoving handfuls of used  loose paper into already overstuffed drawers. Pads  are also less overwhelming to tidy up . 

Make sure everything has a home.
Rooms are easier to keep tidy if everything has somewhere to live . Kids are keen  to put stuff away if it's easy to stash. The less stuff ( clutter) they have the more care they take  of their treasured possessions.

Keep floors clear of stuff 
With the exception of train or car tracks , keep floors and surfaces free of clutter in kids rooms , this trick encourages them not to just drop stuff on the floor but hang it up instead , without you having to tell them . 

Get it all out of the house as soon as possible .
Run, run , run as fast as you can to the charity shop, because if those little fingers see that unworn itchy jumper in the charity bag , your life will be a living hell for the rest of the day ! 

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